
Do you ever feel like the only good desktop wallpapers you can find are either the basic 15 or 20 Apple provides or solid colors? Do you often spend time looking for a wallpaper that isn't a beautiful photograph or a gradient and drop shadowed mess with a little lens flare and some annoying copyright information in the corner?

Do you want less, but not boring? Then you want Simple Desktops.

Simple Desktops: a collection of bling, drop shadow, and gradient free desktops to help you stay focused, but also provide just enough eye candy to not be bored. It's here because finding these around the web is just too hard.

Attribution for the desktops is provided on the site, but it doesn't extend onto your personal desktop. Use of these desktop wallpapers is for personal use only, and shouldn't be sold or reposted without the expressed written consent of the desktop creator.


The site and API has been lovingly built in Django by Kenny Meyers and Greg Aker. The Mac App was carefully developed by Justin Voss. The iOS app was finely crafted by Kyle Turner. Brian Griffey expertly built our Android app.

The desktop CDN and hosting is graciously provided by Arcustech.